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Cloth Diaper & Natural Baby Care Workshop

Tue, 08. Oct. 2024 6pm-8pm; Tue, 11. March 2025 6pm-8pm

Cloth Diapers & Natural Baby Care 

The cloth diaper – the ecological, economical and health-beneficial alternative to conventional disposable diapers.

Cloth diapers have long since ceased to be complicated, boring or time-consuming. Quite the opposite: many are identical to disposable diapers in terms of handling. In contrast, after use they simply end up in the washing machine instead of producing more waste.

The topics of sustainability and health care are the Zeitgeist of our generation. Diapering with cloth diapers offers numerous advantages for your baby’s health, not only contributes to environmental protection, but also eases the burden on your wallet. There are now many modern diaper systems on the market that differ in detail and in their functionality. I will introduce various systems and models and help you find the right one.

Course program & topic overview: 

  • Why cloth diapering is worthwhile for parents and babies – environment, health, finances, biology, emotion and practicality
  • Overview of different cloth diaper systems – what do I need for everyday cloth diapering? What are the advantages and disadvantages? What absorbent material is available?
  • Child excretory behavior & handling – how often does my baby need to go? How often should I change diapers? What do I need to consider at the diaper changing station?
  • Washing & Diaper care & skin care – how do I store and wash diapers? How do I put the diaper on correctly? What to do if baby’s bottom is sore?
  • Insights into Elimination Communication (‚Windelfrei’/’Abhalten‘) – save a lot of money on diapers, but get more contact with your baby and building a strong bond
  • Help, tips and practical exercises with realistic baby dolls, cloth diapers and various utensils


Current topics for mothers and expectant parents are welcome and questions are given enough time in the course unit, as well for making contacts with other parents.

Elisa Steiner, IBCLC

International certified Breastfeeding & Lactation Consultant, Baby Wearing & Cloth Diaper Instructor, Health Care & Pediatric Nurse, RYT200 pre-& postnatal Yoga Teacher

Course fee

€ 32,- / Person for 2hrs
€ 48,- for couples


EKIZ – Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Wien
Piaristengasse 32
1080 Wien


(Bei mehr als einer Person bitte die genaue Anzahl und die Namen der Personen im Nachrichtenfeld genauer definieren!)

Teilnahmebedingungen: Um ein optimales Kursprogramm bieten zu können, halten wir die TeilnehmerInnenzahl gering. Somit ist eine verbindliche Anmeldung und Einzahlung des Kursbeitrags vor Kursbeginn notwendig. Der Rücktritt ist bis zu 2 Wochen vor Kursbeginn möglich, danach nur, falls eine ErsatzteilnehmerIn gefunden werden kann. Für versäumte Stunden kann kein Geld rückerstattet werden.
Sollten Kurseinheiten auf Grund gesetzlicher Vorgaben ohne Ersatztermin ausfallen, wird der Teilbetrag rückerstattet.
